Why I believe Trump won.

Tarheel Baptist

Well-known member
Jan 27, 2012
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The 73 million people who voted for Trump on Tuesday did not vote for fascism, racism or the opening of gulags. In fact, rhetoric like that probably cemented the votes of many.

Influencers in the media and left wing politics think Americans want more trashing of traditional social and sexual norms. They think that Americans who want to secure their economic and social welfare over the welfare of those in other countries are racist or xenophobic. They think Americans are as obsessed with race and gender as they are and that America is an evil country that represses diversity rather than one that celebrates and embraces it.

It turns out that strongly inferring that half of the country supports (or actually are) ‘racists, Nazis,’ and bigots is not a great political strategy. You alienate much of middle-America by coming across like you’re better than us, smarter than us, and as insulting our intelligence. Trump voters did not support anarchy but rejected unworkable progressive ideas that defy common sense. The American people know Trump, for all his MANY faults, ultimately shares many of their values. And they know that for all their learning and power, the media, government and academic elites mostly do not.

Many of us understand that God is in control and His Kingdom will not come through the Republican or Democrat Party Platforms. Christ, not Trump or politics, is our hope. We simply looked at the choices we had and voted as best we could on our principles.
Charlie Kirk as well as millions of other Christians could see the danger of losing the freedoms we enjoy as Americans under another four years of an administration closely aligned with Marxism. My neighbor who is in his 80's who had voted straight Democrat his entire life got emotional after Trump won because he finally realized the danger we are in as a nation. I thank God He spared us from a Harris regime.
Charlie Kirk as well as millions of other Christians could see the danger of losing the freedoms we enjoy as Americans under another four years of an administration closely aligned with Marxism. My neighbor in his 80's who had voted straight Democrat his entire life got emotional after Trump won because he finally realized the danger we are in as a nation. I thank God He spared us from a Harris regime.
an eldery man we use to see out at the archery range grew up world war 2 germany... he was 12 years old when the war ended and use to tell us some pretty interesting stories...... . we haven;t seen him since the pandemic and i believe he might have died... .. but in all those years we saw him there i only heard him compare one american politician to hitler... . and that was barak obama...... even hilary clinton didn;t qualify.... (of course kamala harris had not made it onto the scene yet the last time we spoke to him)

i hope he shows up out there again because we would really love to talk to him..... but he wasn;t in good health the last time we saw him and we never did find out where he lived... .. never even learned his last name... .. ..i know that sounds terrible but quite a few people here in hawaii jealously guard their privacy .... and people here respect that.....
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Why I believe Trump won.

More people voted for him.

Why do we Christians always have to make everything "Why I believe?" Then when someone dffers from you, it is a faith issue, you just believe differently. No, you see facts differently.
Why I believe Trump won.
More people voted for him.
Why do we Christians always have to make everything "Why I believe?" Then when someone dffers from you, it is a faith issue, you just believe differently. No, you see facts differently.
“The events of history, whether on a large or small scale, betray an evident design and arrangement. All things work together, with singular accuracy and punctuality, to accomplish a lofty purpose. It is the fashion nowadays to say that these are coincidences. It is a pretty word for boys to play with. Some of us observe God’s providences, and we are never without a providence to observe. We see the hand of God in daily life, and we are glad to do so, though we are laughed at as poor fools. ” Charles Spurgeon

I don’t look at the election any other way than the hand of God holding back satanic forces that are shredding apart every fabric of society. Those of us who believe in the bodily return of Jesus Christ to earth to set up his kingdom realize that President Trump is not the Messiah but has providentially had his life spared for a reason. I believe the election is only a temporary reprieve before a one world government eventually takes over bringing about the Tribulation period that Jesus talked about in Matthew 24. And no, the destruction of the temple in 70 A.D. was not the time when “nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.” It was not the time when “great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be” took place. All the tribes of the earth did not see “the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.” These are future events described in the Book of Revelation. All world events are working to bring about Bible prophecy in God’s time.
I believe in the sovereignty of God. I believe that he is intimately interested in and involved in, ordains and controls all that happens. I don't think it as simple as God holding back Satanic Forces. God controls everything and he providentially spared my life in 2011 just as much as he spared DJT's, or anyone for that matter. America is not the center of the universe. Putin is alive because God has determined that he should be alive. Somehow there is this thing going around among Christians, not necessarily here, that GOP politics is what we need to change the world. Hardly.
I believe in the sovereignty of God. I believe that he is intimately interested in and involved in, ordains and controls all that happens. I don't think it as simple as God holding back Satanic Forces. God controls everything and he providentially spared my life in 2011 just as much as he spared DJT's, or anyone for that matter. America is not the center of the universe. Putin is alive because God has determined that he should be alive. Somehow there is this thing going around among Christians, not necessarily here, that GOP politics is what we need to change the world. Hardly.
Other than denying that America is the leader of the free world and wields great influence when it comes to preventing or causing wars around the world, I agree with everything you said.
Somehow there is this thing going around among Christians, not necessarily here, that GOP politics is what we need to change the world. Hardly.
That kind of talk is going to get you in big trouble. 😉
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Why I believe Trump won.

More people voted for him.

Why do we Christians always have to make everything "Why I believe?" Then when someone dffers from you, it is a faith issue, you just believe differently. No, you see facts differently.
This is why I believe you posted that:
You simply don’t have or don’t understand the facts.

At least that’s how I see it.
Bad mouthing the GOP was a good start. 😉
That’s just you projecting to us.
I don’t think anyone here has their trust in the Republican Party. What we have done is reject the tenants of the Democrat Party.

And most of the country joined us in that rejection. 😉
What facts? And what do you mean, I don't undersstand the facts? Do you think I am an idiot?
I said either you didn’t have all of the facts OR didn’t understand all of the facts.

This is why James Carville believes Trump won:

Perhaps we misunderstood your post.
It has to do with always using the word "believe." Why I believe Christ is the Son of God. Why I believe the rapture will be after the tribulation. Why I believe that Christian School is the only option for Christian Parents. In my mind, that is when to use "believe." Belief has to do with faith, with those things that the bible teaches and we hold to be true based on what we read.

Why I think a woman should not be president. Why I think that Seven Eleven is better than Buc-ees. In those cases, it is what I think.

So then when someone "believes" a different way, it has to do with interpretation of scriptures. And if their belief is based on faulty interpretation, they are not orthdox. In Fundamental Baptist churches and colleges and seminaries, I was taught that Lutherans, Methodists, Presbyterians, Bible Church, Church of Christ, Southern Baptists, Calvary Chapel, Pentecostals, etc., all believed differently, hence a different gospel. That is a pretty common way of thinking in Fundamental Baptist churches. If you believe differently, you are Not orthodox, or as the old line fundies say, you are a pink lemonade sippnig, virgin birth denying, booze swizzling, movie going, pants wearing liberal.

It feels like you are saying that if I "believe" that trump was elected for different reasons that you do, I am in that non-orthodox category, and we need to separate ecclesiastically. But if I just think differently, we can fellowship.
I said either you didn’t have all of the facts OR didn’t understand all of the facts.

This is why James Carville believes Trump won:

Yeah, I read Carville's opinion. Everybody has an opnion. My opinion is that more people voted this time than last time. That the majority of America is not liberal and do not want unfettered abortion, and the rest of the Democrat garbage policies, but they just don't vote, because they think everyone else will. This time though, their ire was raised because someone tried to kill the candidate twice.
Yeah, I read Carville's opinion. Everybody has an opnion. My opinion is that more people voted this time than last time. That the majority of America is not liberal and do not want unfettered abortion, and the rest of the Democrat garbage policies, but they just don't vote, because they think everyone else will. This time though, their ire was raised because someone tried to kill the candidate twice.
I believe their ire was raised because of what the Democrat party has been trying to cram down their collective throats for the past few years. They are fed up with the ignorant, lack of common sense thinking. That’s what I think.
